

An Autonomous Institution, Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to JNTUH
Counselling Codes


Grievance Redressal Cell

As per the AICTE notification No.PG/07/ (01)/2012 & Establishment of Mechanism or Grievance redressal, the Grievance Redressal Committee is constituted in the college for the purpose of addressing the grievances of Students, Parents and others.


Objectives of Grievance Redressal Cell:

  1. To ensure the dignity of the College, a hostile-free environment is established in the College by promoting friendly and cordial relationship among students and in between students and teachers.
  2. To establish easily accessible, responsive, and accountable mechanisms for resolving the grievances in order to maintain a peaceful educational atmosphere in the institute.
  3. Dealing with difficult situations effectively is necessary to decrease oppressive or unsatisfactory conditions.
  4. Encouraging the students to voice their complaints and issues freely and honestly without worrying about being victimized.
  5. Counseling the students to value the dignity of one another with due respect. and be patient whenever a disagreement develops.
  6. Instructing all students to avoid creating conflicts between them, with teachers, or with the college administration.
  7. Advise all staff members to be kind and affectionate towards students and avoid being vindictive to any of them in any circumstance.
  8. To assist students who have been denied access to College services to which they are legally entitled.
  9. To ensure that college officials be courteous, accountable and responsive members in addressing the needs of the students.
  10. To make sure that the grievances of the students are resolved in a fair and impartial manner.

A Committee consisting of the following members is hereby constituted as “Grievance Redressal Cell"

S.No Name of the Committee Member Designation Position
1 Dr.G.Apparao Naidu Principal Chairman
2 Dr.B.Phijik HOD IT& Dean Academics Member
3 Mr.G.Rajesh IQAC Co-Ordinator Member
4 Mrs.M.Parimala HOD-CSE Member
5 Dr.S.RangaSwamy HOD-AIML Member
6 Mr.P.Hari Krishna HOD-ECE Member
7 Dr.T.Srinivasulu HOD-BSH Member
8 Dr.M.Vishnu Vardhana Rao HOD-DS & Dean R&D Member
9 Dr.Vijay Kumar R Urkude Professor Member
10 Dr.Ch.Basavaraj Assoc.Prof., Member
11 Mrs.B.Geetha Asst.Prof., Member
12 Mrs.V.Suzan Shalini Asst.Prof., I/C Grievance Cell

Roles & Responsibilities :
1.The committee should meet once in a month
2.It should receive complaints and grievances from students.
3.The Co-Ordinator compiles the complaints received from the students and submit to the committee.
4.Keeping up of suggestion boxes in all the floors and students are supposed to drop their grievances into the boxes.
5.The boxes should be opened in the presence of Principal and I/C of the grievance Cell.

Term : Two Years and shall continue to be in force until reconstruction.
Meetings : The meeting may be scheduled as and when necessary.