Page 7 - Campus Chronicles Technical Magazine 2022
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Dr. A. Sudhir Babu,  The department is being run by well qualified

 Associate Professor &   and  experienced  faculty  members  with  13   Mr. P. Harikrishna,  It  gives  me  great  pleasure  to  congratulate
                                                                 students,  teachers  andStaff  of  electronics
 Head of the Department,  excellent  years  of  exposure  in  Computer   Associate Professor &   department. During study at the department,
 Department of Computer Science &  science & Engineering. We at the department   Head of the Department,  the students are encouraged toget hands-on

 Engineering  of Computer Science and Engineering believe   Department of Electronics &
 that learning is a continuous process and does   Communication Engineering  experience  in  the  corporate  worldthrough

 not  end  with  the  acquisition  of  a  degree,                internship projects with reputed organizations.
 especially because steady and rapid advances                    Newsletter  is  believed  to  be  a  Focus  of  the
 in computing technologies shorten the life of                   inside  activitiesi.e.  academics,  students  and

 tools and techniques prevalent today. Students                  Faculty  achievement  as  well  asinnovation
 are  given  a  strong  foundation  in  computer                 occurring in the department.
 science and problem-solving techniques, and

 are  made  adaptable  to  changes.  We  aim  at
 offering  the  best  quality  education.  The

 department offers undergraduate programs in
 Computer Science & Engineering, Information
 Technology,  Artificial  Intelligence  &  Machine
 Learning,  Data  Science  and  Artificial

 Intelligence  &  Data  Science  that  owe  their
 emergence  to  the  relentlessly  growing

 demand  of  professionals  with  expertise  in
 various fields of Computer Science

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