Page 4 - Campus Chronicles Technical Magazine 2022
P. 4

CEO Message                                                                                                            Principal Message

        Vignan, a trusted name for quality education in          With  its  excellent  infrastructure,  committed              I, Dr. G. Apparao Naidu, Principal, feels proud to       of  excellence  in  the  field  education  in

        Andhra  Pradesh,  has  always  been  figuring             and qualified faculty, strong teaching-learning                be  associated  with    Vignan's  Institute  of          Engineering and Technology. The prime focus
        among  the  top  due  to  its  commitment  to            processes  and  more  importantly  a                          Management  and  Technology  for  Women                  of the Institution is to empower students with
        student  centric  initiatives  through  out  its         meticulously  designed  student  counseling                   which is  serving the society for more than Two          sound  knowledge,  wisdom,  experience  and

        existence of more than three decades even in             system, Vignan is indeed the right choice to                  decades  in  the  field  of  Engineering  &               training  both  at  the  academic  level  of
        the  unprecedented  proliferation  of                    pursue  engineering  education  and  secure                   Technology by bringing a number of efficient               Engineering  and  in  the  highly  competitive
        professional institutions in AP during the last          placements  in  top  notch  companies  or                     engineers to the nation and  world. It gives me          global  industrial  market.  The  infrastructure

        decade.                                                  admissions  in  reputed  international                        immense  pleasure  to  welcome  you  to  the             facilities  and  state-of-the-art  equipment
                                                                 universities  for  higher  studies.  Besides                  creative world of VMTW which has very eco-               combined  with  a  galaxy  of  competent,
        Vignan with its inherent capability to capture
                                                                 academics,  at  Vignan,  we  strive  for  the                 friendly campus and is equipped with state-of-           talented,  qualified  and  dedicated  faculty
        the  pulse  of  youth  has  grasped  their
                                                                 integrated  development  of  the  students                    art  infrastructure.  Campus  having  well               contribute  to  an  enjoyable  and  an  easy
        aspirations, speed and intellectual capabilities
                                                                 through several internal student professional                 equipped labs, workshops and libraries  which            learning  experience.  Happy  to  quote  the
        and tuned its curriculum to fulfill their needs.
                                                                 bodies  designed  to  bring  out  the  best  from             enables in helping students in attaining highest         campus  is  working  towards  implementing

        Vignan  provides  world  class  training  in             them                                                          standards  in  academics,  research  and                 Outcome  Based  Education  System  (OBES).
        t r a n s f e r r i n g   s u b j e c t   k n o w l e d g e ,                                                          professional skills. The campus has adequate             Many global players are recruiting the students
        communication  and  team  working  skills  in                                                                          sports infrastructure to take care of Sports and         from the campus after high appreciation which
        learning  centered  fashion  and  enables  its                                                                         recreational activities. The college is excelling        shows  strength  of  the  college  in  nurturing

        students  to  face  the  global  arena  with                                                                           towards meeting its vision of becoming centre            young engineers.

                                                                                         Campus                                   Campus
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                                                                                          Technical Magazine                       Technical Magazine
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