Page 2 - Campus Chronicles Technical Magazine 2022
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EDITORIAL BOARD                                          VISION                                                                                                                     In Telangana, we often mention with pride that
                                                                                                                                                                                        the  state  has  the  largest  number  of  technical/
        Dr. K. Chandra Shekar, Principal                         To  empower  female  students  with  professional
                                                                 education  using  creative  &  innovative  technical                                                                   professional  institutions  to  impart  skill  based
        Dr.  A. Gauthami Latha, HOD, CSE.
                                                                 practices  of  global  competence  and  research                                                                       education  to  fulfill  the  needs  of  the  industry.
        Mr.  Vijaykumar R. Urkude, HOD, ECE.                     aptitude  to  become  competitive  engineers  with                                                                     However the fact remains that, in spite of the large
        Mrs. V. Suzan Shalini, Assistant Professor, BS&H.        ethical values and entrepreneurial skills.                                                                             number of engineers churned out from the 300

        Mrs. B . Geetha, Assistant Professor, CSE.                                                                                                                                      and odd colleges every year, there continues to be
        Ms. M. Hemalatha, Assistant Professor, ECE.              MISSION                                                                                                                an  unbridged  gap  between  the  needs  of  the

        Ms. P. Prasanna Lahari, CSE (Student)                    To  impart  value  based  professional  education                                                                      Industry  and  the  skill  set  that  the  engineering
        Ms. S. Shravani, CSE (Student)                           through  creative  and  innovative  teaching-learning                                                                  students  possess.  Thus  we  are  faced  with  a
        Ms. V.L. Vasundhara, ECE (Student)                       process to face the global challenges of the new era                                                                   paradoxical  situation  where  employers  keep
                                                                 technology.                                                                                                            scouting for employees and vice versa.
        Ms. Sri Chandana Reddy, ECE (Student)

        Designed by:                                             To  inculcate  research  aptitude  and  to  bring  out                                                                     The problem is not difficult to analyze. In spite of
        Mr. Sukumar Siliveru, Graphic Designer.                  creativity  in  students  by  imparting  engineering                                                                   possessing  impressive  infrastructure  and  high-
        Techical Support:                                        knowledge imbibing interpersonal skills to promote                                                                     tech  labs,  the  quality  of  technical  education
        Mr. S. Sandeep Babu, Web Developer.                      innovation, research and entrepreneurship.                                                                             imparted in most engineering colleges is woefully
                                                                                                                               Chairman Message                                         poor.  Despite  the  proliferation  of  colleges,  the

                                                     ABOUT US                                                                                                                           demand  for  holistic  engineering  education
                                                                                                                                                                                        remains as high as ever. A keen introspection by
                                                                                                                               “Well Thought-out Reforms In Technical Education
        Vignan ' s Institute of Management and Technology        VMTW  is  a  home  to  aesthetically  designed                                                                         the administrative authorities both at the planning
                                                                                                                               Is The Need Of The Hour”
        For Women , is the brainchild of Dr. L Rathaiah,         buildings  with  state  of  the-art  computer  and                                                                     and executive level is needed to evolve effective
        Chairman,  Vignan  Group  of  Institutions,  was         internet  facilities,  modern  laboratories,                  We, in India today, are living in a transitional era.    supervisory and regulatory mechanisms so as to
        founded  during,  August,  in  2008,  with  four         workshops,  seminar  halls,  auditoriums  and  well           On  one  hand,  we  are  swamped  by  the  global        reinforce good standards of technical education.

        branches of Engineering.                                 stocked libraries, sports and games fields.                    financial  meltdown  while  on  the  other;  we  are      Unscrupulous  practices  compromising  on  the
                                                                                                                               witnessing  a  slow  but  sure  revival  of  the         quality  of  education  need  to  be  checked.  All
        VMTW  is  an  exemplary  institution  of  higher         The Institution boasts of a strong alumni network
                                                                                                                               manufacturing  and  agricultural  sectors.  It  is       engineering colleges in the state should vie with
        learning with a mission of pursuing excellence in        with alumni events held every year serving as a
                                                                                                                               evident  that  highly  trained  and  skilled             each  other  to  develop  wholesome  systems
        education and research. The institution, with their      platform for past students to give back to VMTW
                                                                                                                               professionals will be needed in vast numbers to          contributing  to  innovative  teaching  -  learning
        diverse and dynamic community of about 2000              and share their experiences with its present fellow
                                                                                                                               enable our country's transition towards industrial       practices,  which  will  upscale  the  educational
        students offers a distinctive combination of some         students. With so much to offer, it is only natural
                                                                                                                               and  financial  self-sufficiency.  In  this  changing       standards  in  the  state  and  serve  the  future
        of the finest facilities for MCA, MBA and M.Tech.         that students of VMTW get a unique opportunity to
                                                                                                                               scenario, technology will continue to be a major         generation of students in realizing their dreams.
        with  5  different  graduate,  and  undergraduate         carve a niche for themselves in their chosen field of
                                                                                                                               catalyst for enabling the country's transformation.
        programs ECE, CSE, IT accomplished faculty, world        study that enables them to become well-rounded                                                                                We at Vignan group of institutions resolve to
                                                                                                                               So the demand for quality technical education in
        class facilities with hostel set on a sprawling area     and  discerning  citizens,  fully  qualified  for  their                                                                rededicate ourselves to the cause of the nation the
                                                                                                                               India is huge.
        of 22 acres sylvan surroundings of mango groves          chosen professions in the workplace. With so much                                                                      march towards Vision 2020, the dream of seeing
        and greenery.                                            to offer, it is only natural that students of VMTW get                                                                  India as a developed nation...
                                                                 a  unique  opportunity  to  carve  a  niche  for
        While students at VMTW immerse themselves in
                                                                 themselves  in  their  chosen  field  of  study  that
        academics, the college has a lot in store for them
                                                                 enables  them  to  become  well-rounded  and
        outside  the  classroom.  Student  life  includes
                                                                 discerning citizens, fully qualified for their chosen
        participation in sports, recreational & co-curricular
                                                                 professions in the workplace.
        and cultural activities. In short, at VMTW, students
        will  find  an  academic  and  social  environment
        where everyone from faculty members to peers
                                                                                         Campus                                   Campus
        help shape their future.                                                      CHRONICLES                    2     3   CHRONICLES
                                                                                          Technical Magazine                       Technical Magazine
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