Page 10 - Campus Chronicles Technical Magazine 2022
P. 10

Industrial Exposure

        Explorations of Academic                                                                                               Elegant Embedded

        Vocabulary through                                                                                                     Solutions

        Corpus-Based Concordance                                                                                               Experience is best gained when students are exposed

        Under the Supervision of                                                                                               to live functioning of their industry. We at VMTW believe
                                                                                                                               that students should also be taught the practical live
        Mrs. V. Suzan Shalini,                                                                                                 versions  of  the  theoretical  knowledge  they  gain  in

        Assistant Professor, English.                                                                                          classrooms. On 27th April, 2022 and 28th April, 2022;
                                                                                                                               ECE students of VMTW have been taken to Elegant
                                                                                                                               Embedded  Solutions  to  learn  the  experience  of
                                                                                                                               industry that they're going to face and the work they
        Task 1: Analysing the Concordance Lines                  Task 5: Identification and Writing Collocates of the           might be doing soon after they graduate with flying
        Read  the  concordances  given  and  understand  the     Target Word                                                   colors.
        meaning of the word ''INDIVIDUAL''. Keep the meaning     The fifth task is to write the words that occur near the
        of the word in mind while reading the concordances to    target word, which provides great insight into meaning
                                                                                                                                                                                        Industrial Exposure
        understand the context.                                  and usage of the given target word ''INDIVIDUAL''.

        Task 2: Meaning Of The Word                              Task 6: Analysing The Parts of Speech                                                                                  Defence Research &
        The  second  task  is  aimed  at  understanding  the     The sixth task is to read and analyse the parts of speech
        meaning of the target word ''INDIVIDUAL'' in English in   used in the concordances of the target word.                                                                          Development Laboratory
        simple words.                                                                                                                                                                   (DRDL)
                                                                 Task 7: Writing Synonyms As An Alternation Of The
        Task 3: Translating the Word                             Target Word                                                                                                            Industrial Exposure allows an engineering graduate to
        The third is to translate the meaning of the target word   The seventh task is to write some of the synonyms                                                                    develop  several  necessary  skills  for  a  successful
        ''INDIVIDUAL'' in learner's native language.             which  are  used  in  the  place  of  the  target  word                                                                engineering career. It allows students to understand
                                                                 ''INDIVIDUAL''.                                                                                                        communication  across  verticals  and  improve  their
        Task 4: Writing Phrases / Clusters                                                                                                                                              understanding  of  effective  communication.  Through
        The fourth task is to write phrases/clusters related to   Task 8: Framing Sentences Using Target Word in                                                                        an  industrial  training,  an  engineering  graduate
        the key word ''INDIVIDUAL'' they have learned while      English
        reading the concordances.                                The task is to write your own sentences using the target                                                               develops  their  communication,  management,  and
                                                                 word  ''INDIVIDUAL''  in  English  based  on  your                                                                     leadership skills. We at VMTW believe that students
                                                                 understanding.                                                                                                         should also be taught the practical live versions of the
                                                                                                                                                                                        theoretical knowledge they gain in classrooms. On 17th
                                                                                                                                                                                        Feb, 2022 and 18th April, 2022; ECE /cse students of
                                                                          1st  Year  CSE  (DS)  Students                                                                                VMTW  have  been  taken  to  DRDLto  learn  the
                                                                          participated in this Project:                                                                                 experience of industry that they're going to face and
                                                                          1.   P. Gayatri, 21UP1A6743                                                                                   the work they might be doing soon after they graduate
                                                                          2.   N. Pragathi, 21UP1A6737
                                                                                                                                                                                        with flying colors.
                                                                          3.   P. Likitha, 21UP1A6739
                                                                          4.   R. Kavya, 21UP1A6745
                                                                          5.   B. Nikitha, 21UP1A6703
                                                                          6.   J. Akhila, 21UP1A6749
                                                                          7.   M. Eeshnavi, 21UP1A6735
                                                                          8.   B. Pallavi, 21UP1A6709
                                                                          9.   Phani Sri, 21UP1A6736
                                                                          10.   N. Jahnavi , 21UP1A6738
                                                                          11.   M. Ruchitha, 21UP1A6746

                          Fig. Concordances of the word “INDIVIDUAL”

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