Page 14 - Campus Chronicles Technical Magazine 2021
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•   the same behavior as FCFS.                           •   Suitable for applications with fluctuating time and
        •   Average waiting time of the Round Robin algorithm        resource requirements.
            is often long.                                       Disadvantages:
        •   Context switching is done a lot more times and       •   If the system eventually crashes, all low priority        Cloud
            adds to the more overhead time.                          processes get lost.
                                                                 •   If high priority processes take lots of CPU time,
        Priority Scheduling:                                         then the lower priority processes may starve and
        In  Priority  scheduling,  there  is  a  priority  number    will be postponed for an indefinite time.                  Computing
        assigned to each process. In some systems, the lower     •   This  scheduling  algorithm  may  leave  some  low
        the number, the higher the priority. While, in the others,   priority processes waiting indefinitely.
        the higher the number, the higher will be the priority.   •  A process will be blocked when it is ready to run         By Ms. B. Siva Naga Sai Saranya,
        The  Process  with  the  higher  priority  among  the        but has to wait for the CPU because some other
        available processes is given the CPU. There are two          process is running currently.                             B. Tech (ECE)- 19UP1A0447
        types  of  priority  scheduling  algorithm  exists.  Oneis   •  If a new higher priority process keeps on coming in
        Preemptive priority scheduling while the other is Non        the ready queue, then the process which is in the
        Preemptive  Priority  scheduling.The  priority  number       waiting state may need to wait for a long duration
        assigned to each of the process may or may not vary. If      of time.
        the priority number doesn't change itself throughout
        the process, it is called static priority, while if it keeps   Multilevel Queue Scheduling:                            Cloud computing is a virtualization-based technology     There  are  the  following  operations  that  we  can  do
        changing  itself  at  the  regular  intervals,  it  is  called   Multilevel queue scheduling is used when processes in   that  allows  us  to  create,  configure,  and  customize   using cloud computing:
        dynamic  priority.In  the  Non  Preemptive  Priority     the ready queue can be divided into different classes          applications  via  an  internet  connection.  The  cloud   •  Developing new applications and services
        scheduling, The Processes are scheduled according to     where each class has its own scheduling needs.                technology  includes  a  development  platform,  hard    •   Storage, back up, and recovery of data
        the  priority  number  assigned  to  them.  Once  the    For instance, foreground or interactive processes and         disk, software application, and database.                •   Hosting blogs and websites
        process gets scheduled, it will run till the completion.   background or batch processes are commonly divided.                                                                  •   Delivery of software on demand
        Generally, the lower the priority number, the higher is   Foreground and background processes have different            The term cloud refers to a network or the internet. It is a   •  Analysis of data
        the  priority  of  the  process.  The  people  might  get   time  requirements  and  hence  will  have  different       technology that uses remote servers on the internet to   •   Streaming videos and audios
        confused with the priority numbers, hence in the GATE,   scheduling  needs.  In  this  case,  multilevel  queue        store, manage, and access data online rather than local
        there clearly mention which one is the highest priority   scheduling will be used. For each class of processes,        drives. The data can be anything such as files, images,   Characteristics of Cloud Computing
        and which one is the lowest one.In Preemptive Priority   the ready queue is divided into separate queues.              documents, audio, video, and more.                       The  characteristics  of  cloud  computing  are  given
        Scheduling, at the time of arrival of a process in the   For example, there are five processes:                                                                                  below:
        ready queue, its Priority is compared with the priority of   1. System Processes,    2. Interactive Processes,         Small  as  well  as  large  IT  companies,  follow  the
        the other processes present in the ready queue as well   3. Interactive Editing Processes,  4. Batch Processes,        traditional  methods  to  provide  the  IT  infrastructure.   1) Agility: The cloud works in a distributed computing
                                                                                                                                                                                        environment.  It  shares  resources  among  users  and
        as with the one which is being executed by the CPU at    5. Student Process.                                           That  means  for  any  IT  company,  we  need  a  Server
        that point of time. The One with the highest priority                                                                  Room that is the basic need of IT companies. In that     works very fast.
        among all the available processes will be given the      Every queue will have an absolute priority over low           server room, there should be a database server, mail     2) High availability and reliability: The availability of
        CPU next.The difference between preemptive priority       priority  queues.  No  process  can  run  until  the  high    server,  networking,  firewalls,  routers,  modem,        servers is high and more reliable because the chances
        scheduling and non preemptive priority scheduling is     priority queues are empty. For the above example, until       switches, QPS (Query Per Second means how much           of infrastructure failure are minimum.
        that,  in  the  preemptive  priority  scheduling,  the  job   and  unless  the  queues  for  system  processes,        queries  or  load  will  be  handled  by  the  server),   3)  High  Scalability:  Cloud  offers  "on-demand"
        which is being executed can be stopped at the arrival of   interactive  processes,  and  interactive  editing          configurable  system,  high  net  speed,  and  the        provisioning  of  resources  on  a  large  scale,  without
        a higher priority job.Once all the jobs get available in   processes are all empty, no other process can run.          maintenance engineers.
        the ready queue, the algorithm will behave as non-                                                                                                                              having engineers for peak loads.
        preemptive priority scheduling, which means the job      Advantages:                                                   To establish such IT infrastructure, we need to spend    4) Multi-Sharing: With the help of cloud computing,
        scheduled  will  run  till  the  completion  and  no     •   Multilevel  queue  scheduling  helps  us  apply           lots of money. To overcome all these problems and to     multiple  users  and  applications  can  work
        preemption will be done.                                     different  scheduling  algorithms  for  different           reduce  the  IT  infrastructure  cost,  Cloud  Computing   moreefficiently  with  cost  reductions  by  sharing
                                                                     processes.                                                                                                         common infrastructure.
                                                                                                                               comes into existence.
        Advantages:                                              •   It will have a low scheduling overhead.                                                                            5)  Device  and  Location  Independence:  Cloud
        •   Easy to use scheduling method                        Disadvantages:                                                                                                         computing enables the users to access systems using a
        •   Processes are executed on the basis of priority so   •   There are chances of starving for the lower priority                                                               web  browser  regardless  of  their  location  or  what
            high priority does not need to wait for long which       processes.                                                                                                         device  they  use  e.g.  PC,  mobile  phone,  etc.  As
            saves time                                           •   It is inflexible in nature.                                                                                         infrastructure is off-site (typically provided by a third-
        •   This method provides a good mechanism where
            the  relative  important  of  each  process  may  be                         Campus                                   Campus                                                party) and accessed via the Internet, users can connect
            precisely defined.                                                         CHRONICLES                    14    15  CHRONICLES                                                from anywhere.
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