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•   website  pages  on  the  Internet  require  no       Application Security Risks
            authentication  or  authorization.  Authorization  is   From the large-scale network to centered database
            supported on standard SQL but some special types     altering of web apps the security issues are distributed.
            of  authorization  are  not  supported  like  all    There are some security risks below:
            employees can see their own salary slip but not the                                                                Abstraction inObject
            salary slip of anyone else in the company. This type   •  ·   The  first  security  risk  known  as  cross-site
                                                                     scripting  (XSS)  permits  an  attacker  to  introduce
            of authorization leads to a problem in SQL and the                                                                 Oriented Programming
            problems are                                             client-side code into a site page. The attacker gets
                                                                     direct access to the user's data.                         Using C++
        •   Less  amount  of  information  about  end-user:
            With the development of the Web, the access of the   •   Denial-of-service (DoS) and Distributed denial-of-        By Ms. Poonumalli Harshitha,
            database  comes  fundamentally  from  Web                service(DDoS) attacks are used by some isolated
            application servers. The end-users commonly try          attackers  to  flood  a  designated  server  or  the       B. Tech (CSE) - 19UP1A0589
            not to have unique client identifiers on the actual       framework that upholds it with different sorts of
            database, and for sure there may just be a single        traffic. This traffic in the end keeps real users from
            client identifier in the database compared to all         getting to the server, making it shut down.
            users  of  an  application  server.  Accordingly,    •   A strategy called SQL injection (SQLi) is used by
            authorization  determination  in  SQL  can't  be         hackers  to  take  advantage  of  database  flaws.
            utilized in the above situation.                         These  hackers,  specifically,  can  uncover  user         Data  Abstraction  is  a  process  of  providing  only  the   Abstraction  in  header  files:  An  another  type  of
                                                                     personalities and passwords and can also create,          essential details to the outside world and hiding the    abstraction is header file. For example, pow() function
        •   Absence  of  fine-grained  authorization:                                                                           internal  details,  i.e., representing  only  the  essential   available is used to calculate the power of a number
            Authorization should be at the degree of individual      modify and delete data without taking permission          details  in  the  program.Data  Abstraction  is  a       without  actually  knowing  which  algorithm  function
            tuples if it is to be approved that employees can        of the user.
            see just their own salary slip. Such authorization is   •  When a hacker executes a variety of attacks on an       programming  technique  that  depends  on  the           uses to calculate the power. Thus, we can say that
            unimaginable in the current SQL standard, which          application  and  ends  up  accidentally  changing        seperation of the interface and implementation details   header files hides all the implementation details from
            licenses authorization just on a whole connection        some spaces of memory then Memory corruption              of the program.Let's take a real life example of AC,     the user.
            or view, or on determining attributes of relations or    occurs.  As  a  result,  the  software  can  behave       which  can  be  turned  ON  or  OFF,  change  the
            perspectives.                                            normally or shut down at the end.                         temperature,  change  the  mode,  and  other  external   Access Specifiers Implement Abstraction:
                                                                                                                               components such as fan, swing. But, we don't know the    •   Public Specifier: When the members are declared
        •   Privacy:  Privacy  is  the  part  of  information    •   The buffer overflow happens when corrupted code             internal details of the AC, i.e., howit works internally.    as public, members can be accessed anywhere
            technology  (IT)  that  deals  with  the  capacity  an   is  introduced  into  the  system's  memory.              Thus, we can say that AC seperates the implementation        from the program.
            association or individual needs to figure out what        Overflowing  the  buffer  zone's  ability  causes  a        details from the external interface.                     •   Private  Specifier:  When  the  members  are
            information in a computer system can be shared           neighboring region of the application's memory to                                                                      declared  as  private,  members  can  only  be
            with third parties. Applications that access such        be overwritten with data, representing a security         In C++ program if we implement class with private and        accessed  only  by  the  member  functions  of  the
            private  information  should  be  built  cautiously,     risk.                                                     public  members  then  it  is  an  example  of  data         class.
            remembering the privacy regulations.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Advantages Of Abstraction:
                                                                                                                               Data Abstraction can be achieved in two ways:            •   Implementation details of the class are protected
                                                                                                                               •   Abstraction using classes                                from the inadvertent user level errors.
                                                                                                                               •   Abstraction in header files.                          •   A programmer does not need to write the low level
                                                                                                                               Abstraction  using  classes:  An  abstraction  can  be   •   Data Abstraction avoids the code duplication, i.e.,
                                                                                                                               achieved using classes. A class is used to group all the     programmer does not have to undergo the same
                                                                                                                               data members and member functions into a single unit         tasks every time to perform the similar operation.
                                                                                                                               by  using  the  access  specifiers.  A  class  has  the   •   The main aim of the data abstraction is to reuse the
                                                                                                                               responsibility to determine which data member is to be       code  and  the  proper  partitioning  of  the  code
                                                                                                                               visible outside and which is not.                            across the classes.
                                                                                                                                                                                        •   Internal implementation can be changed without
                                                                                                                                                                                            affecting the user level code.

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