Page 15 - Campus Chronicles Technical Magazine 2022
P. 15


 CLUB   Competition
 Rangoli  ACTIVITIES  Dance  is  one  of  the  most  celebrated  art

 Competitions  forms with a sequence of movements which

         often  have  emotions  and  purpose.  It  is

         usually  moving  rhythmically  to  the  music
 On  the  occasion  of  Sankranti  festival,   and beat with steps and gestures. On the
 Rangoli  Competition  and  Traditional  Day   occasion of International dance day on 29th

 were held on 08th January, 2022. Rangoli   April, 2022; Kalakrithi club has organized
 enhance the color and beauty of any Indian   an  online  dance  competition.  The  dance

 occasion. It is one of the finest arts by Indian   videos  were  beautiful  as  the  students
 women.  What  could  be  more  fun,   danced  with  love  and  passion.  Many

 challenging and beautiful for college girls   different form of dances were performed.
 who sit and study whole day, other than a   The top three video with the best dance

 Rangoli  Competition  where  art  is  made   performances and most number of likes on
 using colors of happiness and heart?  Instagram were awarded.

                                                                 Online Photo


                                                                 The purest love is that of a mother. She sacrifices

                                                                 and puts her everything into raising her kids never
                                                                 expecting anything in return. On the occasion of
                                                                 International  mothers'  day  on  8th  May,  2022;
                                                                 Kalakrithi  and  Sahitya  clubs  have  organized  an
                                                                 online  photo  contest  where  students  share  an
                                                                 affectionate of them with their mom with heartfelt

                                                                 words written for her. Top three entries with the
                                                                 best  photo  and  the  best  captions  were  given
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