Page 27 - Campus Chronicles Technical Magazine 2022
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Poetry and Stories by  saying,“ Let's go to the beach.”. I sent you a   bitching  about  your  toxic  relationship  with   previous one to kick start a new one. And yes,
                                                                 I'm ready to start a new reel. Do you remember
        Neha.  As  she  was  so  jealous  of  me  for
 thumbs-up  emoji  as  an  approval.  Next
 VMTW Students  morning, I woke up to the loudest giggles from   everything we had. As we grew up, Our bond   how badly you teased me for being so forgetful
 the kitchen.   grew to be magical. I found it so nice. I knew   about gifts? But today, I brought you this gift.
 A Reel to Reveal  You  were  talking  to  my  mom  and  she  was   that I always liked you so much. So I did that   You gifted me this diary on our first anniversary

 making some food for us to take. You somehow   stupid thing one evening. I sent you a song by   saying that publishing those poems was your
 It's been a while since I came here. For me,   made  it  appear  like  a  picnic.  I  somehow   Taylor Swift asking you to concentrate on the   dream. And yes, today it's happening. Does it
 Beach  is  almost  like  a  second  home.  I  miss   managed to get ready in half an hour and rush   meaning of lyrics. It was “ You belong with me”.   sound like a perfect gift? I will never forget how
 sitting  here  with  you  and  talking  about  our   into the kitchen before you people could start   You were a little bit nervous after listening to it   your  untimely  death  felt  like.  Because,  one

 respective  lives.  I  miss  enjoying  the  little   saying many things about me which the other   and I cursed myself so much that evening after   cannot know what happiness is until he knows
 warmth felt while we let the warm waves tickle   one doesn't know. You gave me a big smile   sharing an episode of awkward silence with   how sadness feels like.
 our cold feet. It's almost been an year. And here   saying  good  morning  while  my  Amma  was   you.  You  might  have  died  physically  but  you'll
 I am coming to the beach for 1001th time. Did   praising you for being so good enough to pick   Next morning I woke up to a very rare sight. You   always be immortal in my smile at least until the
 you  remember  our  first  meeting  here?  I  still   me up at my place. Beach for me, is the only   were sitting beside my bed waiting for me to   day I die. And I'm really angry with you for not
 remember  how  I  mislabeled  my  jealousy   place I ever imagined myself to be chilling in my   wakeup,  you  shushed  me  before  speaking   even  saying  a  good  bye.  It  was  totally  your
 towards you as hatred. I remember how I used   dreams. But in real life, no body was ever free   anything  and  you  said“  Even  I  liked  you  so   thing. You never wanted to say bye to me. And I
 to  sit  alone  in  the  front  bench,  speaking  to   enough  to  take  me  there  and  spend  some   much but I couldn't open up. I wanted a perfect   also remember how we laughed when I halted
 myself,  being  a  bookworm,  reminding  every   quality time. My life was always an epitome of   beginning so I cleared up things with Neha so   you from going home and dragged you to sit

 teacher  about  homework,  being  the   loneliness until you stepped in.  that we could start fresh. I'm so happy that you   with me. Now that you are not here, I'll laugh on
 TEACHERS'  PET,  writing  silly  notes  on  being   told me. Will you love me the same forever or at   your behalf too. I'll live my life happily like how
 perfect.   That was the first time I ever went there. As   least until death parts us?” I checked if it's real   it has to be if you were still alive. I'll start living
 promised, I taught you few topics and then we
  To be phrased into one simple sentence, I was   talked about our goals and all. That was quite a   or  if  I'm  dreaming.  It  was  absolutely  real.  I   my life, pursuing all my dreams that I told you. I
 the  perfect  example  of  the  word  BORING.   day. It felt so nice to be important to someone.   nodded as approval.  don't know if my heart flutters again or I don't

 Finally, I admit that I was jealous of you for   Do you remember what I told you while we    And everyday was a beautiful episode in our   know if I could love again but I promise you that
 having many friends and being the coolest guy   were about to leave? I said, “ You made this first   love reel, until that night. It was a perfect day.   you'll never get disappointed with my choices.
 in school. It's exactly how I pictured myself in   time even more better than I expected. I think   You proposed to me in the office and I said yes.   Rishi! You might've gone but you'll never be
 my dreams. I remember myself walking alone   we should come here again to fulfill my second   We  threw  a  party  at  beach  side  to  all  our   forgotten.  I've  almost  forgotten  saying  this.
 to the school while you were joyously going   time fantasy” . You replied with a smile saying,   friends. I couldn't stay longer so I bade a good   Today  I'm  listening  to  our  favorite  song,  “
 with  your  friends.  Although  I  hated  you  so   “ We'll be coming here together for thousand   bye and went home. Next morning I woke up to   Yamunathatilo  ”.  A  song  about  how  Radha
 much,  I've  always  wanted  to  talk  to  you   times  ”  .  I  never  knew  that  one  day  could   the news of an accident where a 24 year old   waits for Krishna at the bank of river Yamuna.

 somehow and make you an ally. I even showed   change my life so well. And from that day, You   man named Rishikesh died in a car accident. A   Here I'm waiting for you to comeback even if I
 up at your home with some foolish excuses to   never  left  me  alone.  We've  become  each   drunk driver hit your car. Everybody was safe   know  that  you  won't.  Then  suddenly  I
 talk  to  you.  I  was  never  mistreated  by  your   other's partners in every first time experience   except for you. And life became so haunting   remember that Radha was never married to her
 family as our parents have been friends from   ever  since.  You  taught  me  self  worth.  You   from then. It took me almost an year to step out   true love, Krishna. The whole point of living is
 the  beginning.  But  I  never  had  enough   taught me how to smile. You pushed away my   of home. Tears were not enough. I cried and   moving on or getting over but never giving up.
 courage.  loneliness.  You  gave  me  hope  and  mental   cried and one day I stopped everything as I   So, I promise you. I'll live my life to the fullest.
                                                                 You'll always live happily in my heart. I'll take
  Then came a golden opportunity flying to us.   stability. I somehow started falling for you ever   didn't want to forget you.   good care of myself and most importantly, I'll
 You didn't score well in Science. So our teacher   since.   You always told me that, life is a set of reels of   love myself.
 asked me to teach you few important topics as   I remember talking about our past, present and   new chapters and episodes. Once an reel is
 we were neighbors. I was so excited as you   future.  I  remember  sitting  in  the  beach  and   over, the other reel waits for you to get over the   Yours lovingly,
 texted me for the first time telling that you don't              Rishitha,
 find  yourself  comfortable  with  studying  at                  Padala Prasanna Lahari
 home. Then I gave you a chance to choose the   Campus  Campus
 spot.  Within  an  hour  you  texted  me  back   CHRONICLES  26 27  CHRONICLES
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