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Pride Month

        Pride month is about the celebration and                 Why  do  we  celebrate  Pride  month?                         The  following  year,  the  first  official  Pride          From 1969 until now, LGBTQ folks and allies
        affirmation  of  self-affirmation,  dignity,                 The catalyst for Pride is actually a riot—the                 parade was carried out on the anniversary                have  been  fighting  hard  to  give  the

        equality and visibility of LGBTQ+ community.             1969 Stonewall Riots.                                         of  the  Stonewall  Riots,  with  Christopher            community the right to marry, that right to
        Every  year  in  June  the  world  celebrates                                                                          Street Liberation Day and the tradition has              adopt  children,  to  start  families,  to  fight
                                                                 On June 28, 1969, the Stonewall Uprising
        Pride  month  dedicated  to  the  LGBTQ+                                                                               continued till date.                                     discrimination,  hate  speech,  and  hate
                                                                 took place in New York City in USA. At the
        community and their right to live a dignified                                                                                                                                    crimes, and to simply allow queer folks to
                                                                 time, the NY police would frequently raid                     Global Pride Day 2021
        life. Pride is about people coming together,                                                                                                                                    exist. While we acknowledge the progress
                                                                 queer  bars  and  harass  the  queer                          Just like every year, Global Pride Day will be
        to show and celebrate how far gay rights                                                                                                                                        we've made, we also need to be realistic
                                                                 community.  Back  then,  the  American                        celebrated on June 28.
        have  come  and  how  much  is  still  left  to                                                                                                                                 and remember that we still have a long way
                                                                 Constitution  also  had  laws  banning
        achieve.                                                                                                               There  are  usually  colourful  parades,                 to go.
                                                                                                                               concerts  and  marches  across  the  world.
        Pride  month  is  about  equality,  teaching                                                                                                                                    Here's  hoping  that  the  world  will  soon
                                                                 One  of  the  most  popular  gay  bars,                       However,  since  the  Covid-19  pandemic  is
        acceptance, education in pride history and                                                                                                                                      accept  love  and  lovers  without
                                                                 Greenwich  Village's  Stonewall  Inn  was                     still hovering around, many will celebrate it
        above  all,  love.  During  this  month,  we                                                                                                                                    discrimination. Happy Pride Month!
                                                                 raided  frequently  too.  However,  on  that                  online.
        educate  others  and  ourselves  about  how
                                                                 particular day in June, all hell broke loose
        damaging homophobia is and why we need
                                                                 when the queer community fought back and
        to get rid of it. It's about being proud of who
                                                                 protested  hard  for  several  days.  This
        you are no matter who you love.
                                                                 changed the world forever, for the better.

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