Page 6 - Campus Chronicles Technical Magazine 2020
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Thus the developed system as well within the             MODULES:
                                                                                     TECHNEWIL                                 budget and this was achieved because most of             There are five modules divided in this project in

                                                                                     CLUB                                      the  technologies  used  are  freely  available.         order  develop  the  concept  of  sentiment
        Weakly - Supervised                                                          ACTIVITIES                                Only  the  customized  products  had  to  be             analysis with tagging. They are listed below

        Deep Embedding For                                                                                                     purchased.                                                     1.  Products Initiation

                                                                                                                                                                                              2.  Products acquisition
                                                                                                                               TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY: This study is carried
        Product Review                                                                                                         out to check. Any system developed must not                    3.  Sentiment classification
                                                                                                                                                                                              4.  Weak Supervision
        Sentiment Analysis                                                                                                     have a high demand on the available technical                  5.  Graphical Analysis
                                                                                                                               resources. This will lead to high demands on
                                                                                                                               the available technical resources. This will lead
        By Ms. Pranitha Mettu,                                                                                                 to high demands being placed on the client.              PRODUCTS INITIATION:
                                                                                                                                                                                        The First phase of the implementation of this
        B. Tech (ECE) - 20UP1A0428                                                                                             The  developed  system  must  have  a  modest            project  is  Products  Initiation.  In  this  module

                                                                                                                               requirement, as only minimal or null changes
                                                                                                                                                                                        admin is uploading the products which user
        INTRODUCTION: People are getting used to                 PROPOSED SYSTEM: In this work, we propose                     are required for implementing this system.               wants  to  see  and  purchase.  Once  admin
        consuming online and writing comments about              a novel deep learning framework for review                    SOCIAL FEASIBILITY: The aspect of study is to            uploads  the  product  means  it  stored  in  the
        their  purchase  experiences  on  merchant/              sentence  sentiment  classification.  The                      check the level of acceptance of the system by           database. The products which are uploaded

        review Websites.                                         framework treats review ratings as weak labels                the user. This includes the process of training          are listed in website to admin in order to modify

        These  opinionated  contents  are  valuable              to train deep neural networks. For example,                   the user to use the system efficiently. The user           or delete the particular product.  Admin is the
        resources  both  to  future  customers  for              with  5-stars  scale  we  can  deem  ratings                  must  not  feel  threatened  by  the  system,            only authorized person to upload the products
        decision-making  and  to  merchants  for                 above/below  3-stars  as  positive/  negative                 instead must accept it as a necessity. The level         in this project.

        improving their products and/or service.                 weak labels respectively. The                                 of acceptance by the users solely depends on             PRODUCTS  ACQUISITION:  The  second

        However,  as  the  volume  of  reviews  grows            Framework generally consists of two steps. In                 the methods that are employed to educate the             module of this product conveys that user can
                                                                                                                               user about the system and to make him familiar
        rapidly,  people  have  to  face  a  severe              the first step, rather than predicting sentiment               with it. His level of confidence must be raised           view  the  products  which  are  uploaded  by
        information overload problem.                            labels directly, we try to learn an embedding                                                                          admin.  Then  they  can  view  the  ratings  and
                                                                 space (a high level layer in the neural network)              so  that  he  is  also  able  to  make  some             reviews of the same products which are given
        EXISTING  SYSTEM:  Lexicon-based  methods                                                                              constructive criticism, which is welcomed, as
                                                                 which  reflects  the  general  sentiment                                                                                by  other    users  who  already  purchased  the
        typically take the tack of first constructing a                                                                         he is the final user of the system.
                                                                 distribution of sentences, from a large number                                                                         product. According to the help of ratings and
        sentiment  lexicon  of  opinion  words  (e.g.            of weakly labeled sentences.                                  ARCHITECTURE:                                            reviews user can purchase the product. The
        “wonderful”,  “disgusting”),  and  then  design                                                                                                                                 ordered list is also shown in the project for the
        classification rules based on appeared opinion            SYSTEM STUDY: Three key considerations                                                                                 convenience of users. The cart and checkout

        words and prior syntactic knowledge. Despite                    1.  Economical Feasibility                                                                                      facility  is  also  available  to  users  from  this
        effectiveness,  this  kind  of  methods  requires                2.  Technical Feasibility                                                                                       module.
        substantial efforts in lexicon construction and                  3.  Social Feasibility
        rule  design.  Furthermore,  lexicon-based               ECONOMICAL  FEASIBILITY:  This  study  is                                                                              SENTIMENT CLASSIFICATION: The users who

        methods cannot well handle implicit opinions,            carried out to check the economic impact that                                                                          are all purchased the products can rate product
        i.e. objective statements such as “I bought the          the system will have on the organization. The                                                                          as per their interest on one scale of five and
        mattress a week ago, and a valley appeared               amount of fund that the company can pour into                                                                          they are free to comment for the same. Based
        today”.  As  pointed  out  in  this  is  also  an        the research and development of the system is                                                                          on  the  ratings  and  reviews  given  by  user

        important form of opinions. Factual information          limited.  The  expenditures  must  be  justified.                                                                       sentiment  can  be  analyzed.  There  are  two
        is usually more helpful than subjective feelings.                                                                                                                               sentiments maintained in this project they are
        Lexicon-based  methods  can  only  deal  with                                                                                                                                   positive and negative.
                                                                                         Campus                                   Campus
        implicit opinions in an ad-hoc way.
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