Page 11 - Campus Chronicles Technical Magazine 2020
P. 11

Nurses at the Front Line of COVID-19:
        Roles,  Responsibilities,  Risks,  and

        Nurses have critical roles and responsibilities during   “I am doing my best to be safe,” said Ravikanth, a door-
        the COVID-19 pandemic. They will continue to be at the   to-door  garbage  collector  at  Asif  Nagar,  who  was
        front  line  of  patient  care  in  hospitals  and  actively   wearing a woollen glove. “We were given masks and
        involved  with  evaluation  and  monitoring  in  the     gloves  earlier,  when  we  were  called  the  frontline
        community.  Nurses  have  to  ensure  that  all  patients   warriors, during the strict lockdown. But now, nobody
        acquire  personalized,  high-quality  services           cares,” he added.
        irrespective of their infectious condition. They will also
        engage in planning for anticipated COVID-19– related     We'd now like to understand and respect the heroic
        outbreaks, which increase the demand for nursing and     efforts  of  some  courageous  and  inspiring  doctors,
        healthcare services that might overload systems.         nurses, police and other community workers (such as
                                                                 GHMC workers, sanitization workers) from across the
        Sanitation  staff  forced  to  work  sans  safety  gear  in   globe  who  lost  their  lives  while  saving  the  lives  of
        Hyderabad apart from domestic waste, the garbage         COVID-19 patients.
        consist of medical waste such as syringes, gloves, and
        cotton balls. However, sanitation workers are forced to
        work for nearly 14 hours a day without any safety gear.

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