Page 32 - Campus Chronicles Technical Magazine 2021
P. 32

The Three Questions

        By Ms. Bommagani Uma, B. Tech (CSE)- 20UP1A05B7

        King John was the King of England. He did not like       On  the  way  he  met  his  shepherd  boy.
        anyone else to look richer than himself. The Abbot       The  shepherd  asked  the  Abbot,  “Why  are  you
        of Canterbury was rich. He was enjoying luxurious        looking so sad, my master?" “My dear shepherd,
        life. The King did not like the Abbot. He was in great   the King has set three questions for me. I have to
        anger. He sent his soldiers to bring the Abbot. The      find  answers  to  his  satisfaction,  or  else  die  for
        soldiers  brought  him  before  the  King.  The  King    plotting  against  the  King.  The  questions  are
        asked, “Who is greater? The King or an Abbot?            difficult. I have only three days more," replied the
        Then how bold of you to enjoy much better than           Abbot.
        the king? You are plotting to become the King of         The shepherd said, “My Lord, let me go in your
        England. It is a crime. Therefore you must die.          place. I shall meet the King. I shall answer the three

        "The Abbot was greatly frightened. He said very          questions  to  his  satisfaction."  Then  he  added,
        humbly. “Your Majesty, I have never used others'         “People say I look very much like you. Therefore
        money for my use. Is it a crime to spend my own          permit me to wear your dress. The king will not be

        money for my needs?" “Yes," replied the King. Then       able to find out."The Abbot agreed. Immediately
        he added, “It is a crime to live grander than the        the shepherd put on the Abbot's dress. He exactly
        King."  The  Abbot  trembled  in  fear.  The  King       looked like the Abbot. He then went to meet the
        continued. “But I shall give you a chance to get         King.  The  King  had  not  expected  the  Abbot  so
        pardon. Answer my three questions correctly to my        soon. He was not able to find the difference. He
        satisfaction."  Then  he  gave  out  the  three          said,  “I  am  happy,  Abbot.  You  have  kept  your
        questions.                                               promises. Now are ready with the answers?" The

          1.  Tell me how much I am worth?                       shepherd in the Abbot's dress replied, “Yes, Your
                                                                 Majesty. I shall try to answer to the best of my
          2.  How long will it take for me to go around the
                                                                 The King asked, “What am I worth? I am the King of
          3.  What I am thinking now?
                                                                 England."  “Your  Majesty,"  replied  the  shepherd,
        The  Abbot  listened.  His  confusion  and  fear         “according to the Bible, Jesus, the King of Heaven
        increased rapidly. He could not speak. Finally he        and Earth, was sold for thirty pence. Your worth              Then he looks seriously at the shepherd. He said,        The King was not at all angry. He started laughing.
        begged  for  time  to  answer.  Three  weeks  were       must be one pence less. It should be twenty nine              “Tell me quickly. What am I thinking now?" “Sire,        And he laughed for a long time. Finally he said, “I
        given.  The  Abbot  left  the  palace  in  a  dejected   pence. "The King had a sense of humor. He started             you are thinking I am the Abbot. But I am not the        am pleased with your intelligence. I shall make you
        mood.                                                    laughing.  After  some  time,  he  gave  out  second          Abbot. I am only his poor shepherd. I have come to       the Abbot." But the shepherd said, “Your Majesty. I

        On the way, he went into Oxford University and           question. “How soon can I ride around the world?"             ask pardon for the Abbot and for myself." Then he        can  not  read  and  write.  I  can  not  become  an
        Cambridge  University.  He  met  great  professors       The shepherd said, “Your Majesty, you must rise               quickly removed the Abbot's dress. Now he looked         Abbot." The King said, “Then you shall receive a
        and learned men. He asked them for answers to            with the Sun, ride with it the whole night. In this           like a shepherd. He knelt down before the King for       pound a week as long as you live. Go home and tell
        these three questions. They were not able to find         way, you will be able to go round the world in                pardon.                                                  the Abbot. I have forgiven him.
        the  suitable  answers.  He  was  returning  home        twenty four hours." Again the King had a merry
        safely.                                                  laugh.

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